Thursday, December 21, 2006


In the mid-80's there was this really cheap pizza place in Ypsi called "Hello Faz Pizza." Cheap as in Thursday night special--$1.00 for a pizza (cheese and pick-up only). What a bargain for a starving student! But there was a "celebrity" aspect that was even cooler. Faz (the owner) would find out when any famous people were flying into Detroit's Metro Airport, and he'd drive out there. Pre-TSA, Faz would get his picture taken with noted celebrity as they emerged from the terminal. The pictures were of airplane-weary and startled actors, musicians, and politicians who wondered who this smiling and anxious man was. The pictures were pasted on the walls of his restaurant. I remember 8 X 10" glossies of Lee Iacocca, Muhammad Ali, and Sammy Davis Junior.

1 comment:

Karim Khan said...

I beleive this pizza place deserves a wikipedia entry...that's coming later in 23 things. And this post makes me hungry for pizza. Or for other obscure chains such as Joplin, Missouri's Taco Hut.