Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Books? I Already Have a Book

The 'thing' about the 'book thing' I'm not fond of is the adoration of books as cult object. That there is a commeraderie or an assumed shared veneration of 'the book' is sophistic. I dig books, sure, but their hanging around my personal space--unread, un-looked at, unloved--is more decoration than intrinsic value.

There was this tv show in the 1970's where the host would make 'objet d'art' out of household objects. For one project, he had a 'false front' bookshelf (like a secret compartment) where he took a bunch of old books (probably Reader's Digest Condensed) and sawed them off at the spines, glued them together and, voilĂ !--a place to store your jiggers, high-ball glasses, and swizzle sticks. As a kid, I couldn't wait to grow up so I could take a band-saw to my mother's book-of-the-month selections and create my own mini-bar.

Reading books is something entirely different, of course. There is just about no greater joy than what happens between that printed page and my brain's cognitition. Bliss.

Library Thing

1 comment:

Marcie said...

My post got eaten! Basically, I said something like I'd rather just read books than tag them. And I'm not sure I'd spend time and energy on sawing the spines off books I hated, even if I could make a hidey-hole for potent potables.

So many books, too little time...